“The Fujifilm GF110 lens is the best portrait lens that I’ve owned. The AF system is super fast, the focussing is internal and the build quality is sublime. However, the image quality is where this lens stands out. It renders sharp from wide opem and delivers a calm beautiful bokeh that doesn’t draw attention to itself. Instead, the out of focus areas support the image with sublime, neutral, subject separation.”

“It’s easy to be lured into buying a lens that delivers a swirly or ‘interesting’ bokeh in the hope that somehow it will make the pictures better, but ultimately the bokeh becomes a distraction and is often more attention grabbing than the subject itself.”  Damien Lovegrove


A collection of photographs by Damien Lovegrove

All the photographs in this gallery were taken with the Fujifilm GF110mm lens on a Fujifilm GFX50s camera. The camera was on a tripod for every shot and the lens was wide open at f/2 for the vast majority of the captures.

Click on the pictures for a lightbox view.

“Being able to depend upon the finest image quality from a lens is reassuring. The Fujinon GF 110mm f/2 lens leaves me with total confidence allowing me to get on with the process of creating pictures”  Damien Lovegrove

If you have a spirit of adventure, a kind heart, and a creative mind, join me on one of my workshops. You can find details of my upcoming events here.

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